Saturday, August 29, 2009

cairn II

This cairn sits atop Big Crow as well. It may be closer to the Nun da ga o ridge trail that links Big Crow with Mt Weston in the High Peaks region of the Adirondack Mts.
18x26in pastel


magpie bessie said...

lovely! I am enjoying seeing all of your recent work, but this one in particular really resonates with me...I like finding cairns during my hikes too...and making them in unexpected places...and I always like to revisit the ones that stand sentinel for season after season like old friends...

JMIacchei said...

Mr. Gaudreau, your paintings are beautiful. The cairns reminded me of a recent hike to Camels Hump (VT) and I was inspired to blow the dust off my paints today and try to paint a little myself. Thanks for the inspiration!
